My Apple-1 collection (first eight)

All my Apple-1

Translucent pictures of all Apple-1

Apple-1 photography with focus stacking

The Copson Apple-1 computer in pictures

The Dryden Apple-1 computer in pictures

The Duston-2 Apple-1 computer in pictures

The Heathcott / Lee Apple-1 computer in pictures

The Reinemer / Steve Jobs gift #1 Apple-1 computer in pictures

Flatiron Apple-1 computer in pictures

John Christopher Burr / Computerland Apple-1 computer in pictures

Dreike / Steve Jobs gift #2 Apple-1 computer in pictures

The Scardino Apple-1

Computer Closet Apple-1 computer in pictures (not anymore in my collection)

Other pictures related to the Apple-1 computer

Apple-1 computer in videos

YouTube channel

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